Task 5 – Evaluation

I believe that I have made a decent effort creativity wise, although my drawing skills could certainly use improving. Overall I think this was a success.

HA5 Task 4 – Sign-off

Salford City College
Eccles Sixth Form Centre

BTec Level 3
Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production
Games Design

Unit 69 – Drawing Concept Art for Computer Games
HA – Character Design Pack
Legal and Ethical Checklist

This DECLARATION, made by the undersigned:
Jack Girdlestone

Hereafter referred to as the “Creator” is made this 21st day of April in the year Two Thousand and Sixteen.

Jack Girdlestone has checked and agreed that the “Work” has been checked for decency, representation of race, gender religion and sexuality and has met an appropriate standard. I take full responsibility for the work produced, recognising that the copyright resides with White Paper Games and that I release said company of any responsibility regarding the altering or unauthorised use of supplied materials in the making of the Work.


Jack Girdlestone

Printed name:
Jack Girdlestone

Consider the following BEFORE completing the checklist as you are providing a warranty to the developer, Slide:

·        Check all your facts – and document where possible, citing sources etc.

·        Is it ethical (have you considered the ethical issues involved)?
Does it feel right?
How would you feel if you saw a review of your game reported in a newspaper, magazine or online?
How would you feel about your peers, friends, family knowing about it?
Is your idea compromising anyone’s confidentiality?
How does your concept challenge issues of decency and the representation of race, gender, religion, sexuality etc?

·        Is it legal?
Do you have the right to use the media and equipment you are using to create your prototype?
Does it comply with rules, policies, standards and contracts imposed by relevant regulators/bodies?
Is your idea compromising anyone’s copyright?

HA5 Task3 - Final Illustration Presentation

Character & equiptment

(Slightly crumpled due to transportation in backpack)

HA5 Task2 - Development Studies

Character (and equiptment)

main points:
Trench coat
1940's attire
Zippo lighter


main points:
Rows of beds

HA5 Task1 - Reference Research

Setting 03 – 1940s Hospital
Set in a 1940s era American hospital. US soldiers returning from Japan have brought back a mysterious, but deadly virus which has pushed the health system to breaking point. An investigation ensues.
Character 03 – Mitchell ‘Mitch’ Deforest
He is a typical chain-smoking private investigator working in Los Angeles until the disease hits. Mitch has a rather scruffy and unhealthy appearance. Aloof and laconic, medium-build and height, dark hair, blue eyes, suit-wearing with five o’clock shadow.
Equipment 03 -
Revolver and holster, cigarettes and Zippo lighter.
Starting Point References 03 -
Raymond Chandler (Philip Marlow), Chinatown (Jack Nicholson), LA Confidential, LA Noire.



HA4 Task1 - The Purpose of Concept Art

The first stage of concept art is exploration. It is used to find out what it is you want and how you generally want it to look. This is usually very roughly done and almost never coloured.
(non of the artwork examples are mine)

The second stage of concept art is approval. It is meant to display the work in a way to convince publishers/sponsors to give you the go ahead with the art. This is usually a neater, more detailed, sometimes coloured, version of the first stage.

Anatomical art (character) 

Object art 


Environment art


The third stage of concept art is promotion. It is intended to show off the work to the public in order to generate interest and hype. This is usually extremely well done, highly polished and always coloured. It also sometimes looks better than the game itself.

Anatomical art (character) 


Object art 

Environment art


HA3 Task1 - Mark-making Portfolio

01 - Primary Observation Portraits Exercise

02 - Primary Observation Expressive Portraits Exercise

03 - Primary Observation Figures Exercise

04 - Primary Observation Expressive Hands Exercise

05 - Secondary Observation Gridded Exercise

06 - Secondary Observation Mythical Creature Exercise

07 - Secondary Observation Tracing Exercise

08 - Construction Drawing Manga Head Exercise

09 - Silhouette Figure Drawing Exercise

01 - Colour Wheel Exercise

04 - Triadic Colour Scheme Exercise ^

02 - Analogous Colour Scheme Exercise

03 - Complementary Colour Scheme Exercise

01 - Brush and Ink Landscape Exercise

01 - Mark-Making Techniques Exercise

02 - Blended Shading Technique Exercise

01 - Party Blower Ideas Generation Exercise

01 - Isometric Perspective Exercise
02 - Single Point Perspective Exercise

04 - Three Point Perspective Exercise

06 - Crated Primitive Objects Exercise 1

 06 - Crated Primitive Objects Exercise 2

06 - Crated Primitive Objects Exercise 3

01 - Pastel Textures Exercise

The layout of this page glitched/messed up ALOT, I am NOT fixing it...