HA5 Task 4 – Sign-off

Salford City College
Eccles Sixth Form Centre

BTec Level 3
Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production
Games Design

Unit 69 – Drawing Concept Art for Computer Games
HA – Character Design Pack
Legal and Ethical Checklist

This DECLARATION, made by the undersigned:
Jack Girdlestone

Hereafter referred to as the “Creator” is made this 21st day of April in the year Two Thousand and Sixteen.

Jack Girdlestone has checked and agreed that the “Work” has been checked for decency, representation of race, gender religion and sexuality and has met an appropriate standard. I take full responsibility for the work produced, recognising that the copyright resides with White Paper Games and that I release said company of any responsibility regarding the altering or unauthorised use of supplied materials in the making of the Work.


Jack Girdlestone

Printed name:
Jack Girdlestone

Consider the following BEFORE completing the checklist as you are providing a warranty to the developer, Slide:

·        Check all your facts – and document where possible, citing sources etc.

·        Is it ethical (have you considered the ethical issues involved)?
Does it feel right?
How would you feel if you saw a review of your game reported in a newspaper, magazine or online?
How would you feel about your peers, friends, family knowing about it?
Is your idea compromising anyone’s confidentiality?
How does your concept challenge issues of decency and the representation of race, gender, religion, sexuality etc?

·        Is it legal?
Do you have the right to use the media and equipment you are using to create your prototype?
Does it comply with rules, policies, standards and contracts imposed by relevant regulators/bodies?
Is your idea compromising anyone’s copyright?